Removing the ‘ease’ from easement

In the 69 years I have lived in my house, I can honestly say the Long Beach Police Department has been my place of call when I am in any difficulty. I was completely taken aback, therefore, when I called them over a dispute I was having with a neighbor who hammered iron stakes along my court-awarded easement, awarded to me after the owners had erected a cinder block, six-feet-high wall along my driveway, making it almost impossible to exit or enter my driveway and completely impossible to see anyone walking along the sidewalk. They were instructed, by the court, to remove the wall and repair the cement they had removed that allowed anyone parked in my driveway, between our houses, room to exit the car, truck, van, etc.
I was shocked, therefore, to have the policeman tell me that he couldn’t do anything because this was a “civil matter.” I had the court order and showed it to him, but he still insisted it was a civil matter. When, exactly, does a court order become a direct law? I had to go out to my driveway and hammer down the iron stakes that were along my driveway, in my easement, so I wouldn’t damage my car, and when my helper was here on Sunday last, he turned the sprinklers on her. The owner was also instructed to repair the cement they tore out between our houses and pay court costs, which they never did, and I, not wanting more trouble with them, just lived with it. I did notice, however, that they have added the same cement easement between their house and their neighbor to the south of them and, in addition, planted cement squares in their neighbor’s lawn to benefit themselves. This is a relatively new owner and may not be aware of his property rights.
To lose the faith I had in my police department is a blow. At 91, I can’t fight the good fight like I did when I was 51 or 61, so it is difficult.
My attorney is checking the archives to take care of this matter, but I am being harassed daily, so it isn’t easy.

Vivian Nelson
Long Beach
