Councilmembers receive compensation to be on the city council as well as other public associations.
On Tuesday, Signal Hill city council members were appointed to serve on various public associations and subcommittees, some of which provide compensation.
According to the City Manager Carlo Tomaino, city council members earn a base pay of $722.18 a month. The State’s online Government Compensation in California states that in 2021 council members earned between $4,570 and $11,536 in wages.
Below is a breakdown of the Signal Hill City Council member’s monthly wages from their work on the council as well as other associations and groups:
All members:
- County Sanitation District No. 29, Meets Second Wednesday monthly – $125/meeting + $.555/mile
- Spring Street Corridor Joint Powers Authority

Mayor Lori Woods:
- Central Basin Municipal Water District, Quarterly general meeting – $0
- Central Basin Water Association, As called – $0
- County Sanitation District No. 3, Meets Second Wednesday monthly and Occasional special meetings – $125/meeting + $.555/mile
- L.A. County City Selection Committee, As called – $0
- Southeast Resource Recovery Facility (SERRF), As called – $0
- Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), General Assembly Annual Meeting in May – $120
- Sustainable City Committee, Meets quarterly – $0
- Centennial Celebration Subcommittee – $0
- Park Subcommittee – $0
Minimum monthly wages: $847.18

Vice-Mayor Edward H.J. Wilson:
- Gateway Cities COG, Meets First Wednesday monthly – $125/meeting
- Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Energy & Environmental Committee, Meets First Thursday monthly – $120 per meeting
- Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Audit Committee, As called – $120 per meeting
- Workforce Investment Network, As needed – $0
- Park Subcommittee – $0
Minimum monthly wages: $967.18

Councilmember Robert D. Copeland:
- Joint City/LBUSD, Meets quarterly – $0
- Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Energy & Environmental Committee, Meets First Thursday monthly – $120 per meeting
- Vector Control District, Meets Second Thursday monthly – $100 per month
- Sustainable City Committee, Meets quarterly – $0
- Housing Subcommittee – $0
Minimum monthly wages: $942.18

Councilmember Tina Hansen:
- Joint City/LBUSD, Meets quarterly – $0
- Centennial Celebration Subcommittee – $0
- Housing Subcommittee – $0
Minimum monthly wages: $722.18

Councilmember Keir Jones:
- League of California Cities, Meets First Thursday monthly – $0
- California Contract Cities Association (CCCA) – $0
- California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA), Annual Meeting in July – $100
Minimum monthly wages: $722.18
Councilmembers who have joined agencies and associations outside of the city council will only be paid for the meetings that they attend.
The Signal Tribune called Senior Deputy City Clerk Kim Boles on Jan. 11 and Jan. 15 to ask about whether the subcommittees listed above are the same as the City commissions, and about the pay of councilmembers, and has not heard back as of print time.
[A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that councilmembers received a minimum monthly stipend of $494.40, instead of $722.18. The Signal Tribune regrets this error. Information about councilmembers’ compensation for subcommittees and associations has also been updated for clarity.]