Signal Hill Police Chief Wayne Byerley dies from medical emergency

Signal Hill Chief of Police Wayne Byerley. (Courtesy of SHPD)

The City of Signal Hill announced on Thursday that its Chief of Police, Wayne Byerley, died from a medical emergency while on the job on Wednesday.

“Chief Wayne Byerley’s leadership, optimism, and unwavering dedication to our community will leave a lasting legacy in Signal Hill,” Mayor Keir Jones said in a press release. “We are deeply grateful for his service and profoundly saddened by his loss.” 

Byerley is survived by his wife and teenage son.

Byerley served as Chief of Police for the Signal Hill Police Department (SHPD) since May 2023. He was Signal Hill’s first permanent police chief after the retirement of previous police chief Christopher Nunley in 2021. Two interim police chiefs served from 2021 to 2023.

Congressman Robert Garica (middle right) poses for a photo with recently sworn-in Signal Hill Police Chief Byerley (far left) and other SHPD officials during the National Night Out event at Signal Hill Park on Aug. 1, 2023. (Richard H. Grant | Signal Tribune)

He previously was the Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Captain of the Investigative and Administrative Services department for the Los Alamitos Police Department. Byerley was a Lakewood High School alumni.

In a public statement, the City of Signal Hill said that Byerley “deeply cared about the Signal Hill Police Department and community, and implored everyone to support one another.”

During his time as chief of police, Byerley promoted work-life balance, and created a hirning program to attract officers from other cities to SHPD.

It is unclear at this time who will lead SHPD, or when the City will begin looking for a replacement.

“It’s been a great journey to be the chief of police here,” Byerley said when he was sworn into office during a July 2023 city council meeting. “I’m just honored.”

The Signal Hill Police Officers’ Association and The Signal Hill Police Foundation have established a fundraising effort through “Help A Hero” to support Chief Byerley’s family.
