The City of Signal Hill is asking residents to share what they would like their revamped civic center to look like.
In July, the Signal Hill City Council approved a contract of over $218,000 with John Kaliski Architects, Incorporated (JKA Inc.) to develop the Civic Center Master Plan. The plan will guide changes made to the area including the existing community center, a community garden, City Hall and its parking lots, Signal Hill Park, Signal Hill Public Library, Spud Field and certain properties along 21st Street.
The City has multiple opportunities throughout the rest of the year for locals to learn about the public project and give their input.
The public outreach for the project kicked off with an online survey on the site Survey Monkey that residents are encouraged to take by Sept. 8. Residents are also encouraged to attend a pop-up event during the final Concerts in the Park show featuring local 60’s cover band Beach St A Go Go at Signal Hill Park on Aug. 16.
Efforts and events related to the Civic Center Master Plan community outreach include the following:
- An online survey available until Sept. 8
- An informational pop-up at the Concert in the Park on Aug. 16 (2175 Cherry Ave.) at 6:30 p.m.
- A workshop on Oct. 5 at the Signal Hill Public Library (1800 E Hill St.)
- A workshop on Oct. 6 at an undetermined location
- A workshop and community meeting on Oct.7
- A public presentation to the Diversity Coalition Committee on Oct. 11
- A public presentation to the Planning Commission on Oct. 17
- A public presentation to the Parks and Recreation Commission on Oct. 18
- A city council study session on Oct. 24 (2175 Cherry Ave.)
- An informational pop-up on Oct. 28 at an undetermined Halloween-themed event
- A second online survey available from Oct. 2 to Oct. 31
- A community meeting at the City’s annual Christmas tree lighting event
- A presentation of three different concepts for the civic center to city council on Dec. 12

There are 14 questions on the current survey, some of which are:
- Do you live in Signal Hill?
- What is your age?
- What time of day do you typically frequent Signal Hill Park?
- How do you currently use the Signal Hill Civic Center?
- Where do you typically park?
- What events have you attended at Signal Hill Park?
- What specific events would you like to see hosted at Signal Hill Park?
- The City was awarded funds for a new amphitheater in Signal Hill Park. What events would you like to see in the new amphitheater?
- Are there any key improvements to the Civic Center that you would like to see?
To keep up with the Civic Center Master Plan, or to learn more, visit the City’s website or call 562-989-7343.