[aesop_character img=”http://www.signaltribunenewspaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Screen-Shot-2016-09-22-at-5.05.16-PM.png” name=”Neena Strichart” caption=”Publisher” align=”left” force_circle=”off”]
With the presidential election still fresh in our minds, I’d like to share my belief system regarding our country’s political leanings and how folks make their voting decisions. As usual, I prefer making my point(s) by way of story-telling.
A year or so ago, a few of our family members got together for a holiday meal at a local establishment. After we filled our bellies, we went to one of our relatives’ homes to visit and catch up on what was happening in each of our lives. During what was supposed to be calm and relaxing discussions, two of us broke the unwritten law of avoiding three topics while having polite conversation: sex, politics and religion.
Two of us chose to discuss politics. Boy, was that a bad idea. While we started off speaking in rather quiet tones, the exchange quickly heated up. Although we didn’t shout at one another, we did lock eyes and turned our visit into more of a debate. It all started when Mary (not her real name), made some rather disparaging statements regarding one of our country’s highest-powered elected officials. Not necessarily a fan of the aforementioned politician, I was still curious as to on what Mary was basing her negative opinion, so I asked her. Since she was beating around the bush for a while, and not really offering an explanation for her views, I asked her if she would want that legislator’s job. Mary quickly agreed that she wouldn’t want the responsibility that goes along with that position. I rapidly agreed with her and said I wouldn’t either.
After things calmed down a bit, I was still feeling annoyed by the political verbal exchange, and I asked her if she was involved in local politics. Her answer was “no.” Not playing fair, I continued with a very long question: “Who are your mayor, county supervisor, assemblymember, state senator and congressmember?” She replied that she didn’t know and that she couldn’t figure out what any of that had to do with our dispute.
Sweetening up a bit, I explained that my opinion is that politically aware individuals should start their examination of politics from the bottom up, as some of our local elected officials do indeed continue up the political ladder. I continued by offering that getting to know our legislators as they begin their careers gives us a chance to know them and what they stand for, therefore providing us with an educated view on which to base our political stances.
Furthermore, I shared with Mary that in our area, our congressmember started as a city councilmember, then served as both California assemblymember and senator and currently holds the office of United States Representative for California’s 47th congressional district. Of course, I was referring to Alan Lowenthal.
Mary frowned at me as if she were puzzled, still not understanding my view. At that point, Mother was aggravated with the both of us and strongly suggested that we change the subject. We acquiesced.
I have promised Mom that I will not participate in any political discussion during our family gatherings this holiday season. With recent happenings in our presidential election, that is going to be a tall order. Nevertheless, I will bow to her wishes.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers; may you all be able to put politics aside during your family gathering.