Pictured are the updated numbers from the Tuesday, March 5, Signal Hill general municipal election, which resulted in candidates Tina Hansen and Keir Jones getting re-elected and elected respectively into city council, while Measure N prevailed over Measure M.

Updated election numbers from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (LA County Clerk) last Friday showed a marginal change in vote distribution for Signal Hill City Council candidates and two charter measures.
Signal Hill City Council candidates Tina Hansen and Keir Jones maintained their lead from the initial LA County Clerk’s numbers on March 5, while Measure N garnered more of a positive vote from Signal Hill residents than Measure M, according to the data.
The up-to-date numbers show that Jones has 650 votes (35.52 percent), Hansen has 630 (34.43 percent) and candidate Chris Wilson has 550 (30.05 percent).
Kim Boles, deputy city clerk, told the Signal Tribune last week that the Signal Hill City Council will reorganize at its March 26 meeting at City Hall to re-iaugurate Hansen and incorporate Jones.
Measure N garnered 755 votes, trumping Measure M’s 603 votes, meaning the former will pass. Measure N will change the city’s election date to the statewide general election date of the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years, beginning on Nov. 3, 2020, and as a consequence, reduce one-time councilmember terms by four months.
Those running unopposed– City Clerk candidate Carmen Brooks and City Treasurer candidate David Hopper– got a total of 883 and 876 votes, respectively.
Results may be viewed at lavote.net/home/voting-elections/current-elections/election-results/live-results.