Website Comments: Parental discretion is advised

I personally think the [Long Beach City] Council should be more concerned with whether or not citizens actually have jobs to purchase an e-cig [“Passage of LB’s e-cigarette ordinance may simply depend on attendance” Feb. 28]. Please, give children more credit. How many parents let their kids watch [the horror film] Saw on the weekends when they have custody? Do the kids go out and murder? Let’s have a ban on RedBox and Walmart in public places. They promote, distribute and sell mindless violence. That’s okay? Vaping is bad? Just another excuse to tax the middle class once again.

Kevin McGovern
(website comment

This is so ridiculous. [“Passage of LB’s e-cigarette ordinance may simply depend on attendance” Feb. 28] I can’t stand all the fearmongering about [how] glamorizing vaping will lead to kids smoking. I agree kids should not smoke or vape nicotine and when they are adults they can make the decision for themselves. But to disallow us to vape for fear that it will lead to kids vaping is like saying that I can’t wear a T-shirt that says “I love vaping” in public for that same fear! Really?
There are substances, like alcohol for example, that we don’t sell to minors, so do the same thing for nicotine vape juice. There are things out there that we as adults, even if it’s in the minority, should be able to enjoy without the majority coming along and ruining it because they can’t tell their kids, “Hey, don’t do that.”
Maybe there should be a ban on talking, because, after all, bad things can happen from talking— feelings can get hurt, people can get offended, and so on, and if we can’t teach our kids good talking from bad talking, then we should just ban it.

Barney Shaw
(website comment)
