[aesop_parallax img=”https://signal-tribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Screen-Shot-2017-05-05-at-12.09.03-PM.png” parallaxbg=”on” caption=”Photo by Lori Lauer
One of our readers— Lori Lauer— shared this photo (as well as a video) of these adorable (if not so cuddly) critters making their way along the sidewalk on Willow Street near Cherry Avenue. While Lauer gave them the right-of-way, she seized the opportunity to capture some excellent shots.
Considering the heavy traffic in that area, we just hope the little skunks got to their destination safely.” captionposition=”bottom-left” lightbox=”off” floater=”on” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”none”]
What's black and white and walks all over?