Workforce Network presenting free disabilities workshop

The public is invited to a Pacific Gateway Workforce Investment Network (PGWIN) no-cost Disability Benefits Workshop on August 26 with experts providing information on what people with disabilities need to know about working and disability benefits.
The workshop, which is conducted every fourth Wednesday, will be from 1:30pm—3pm at the Career Transition Center, 3447 Atlantic Ave.
Participants will: learn about Social Security and Medi-Cal work incentive programs; discover how work may affect medical, Medi-Cal, SSI, SSDI, or Medicare benefits; meet one-on-one with a benefits specialist; learn how to use ticket-to-work; gain new skills; and find disability-friendly employers.
Presenters include a disability program navigator from PGWIN, a representative from the Social Security Administration and a Human Potential Consultant from CWIC. Interpreters are also available.

More Information
(562) 570-3738
