General Information
Contact the Signal Tribune
Our hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Our offices are currently closed due to COVID -19 restrictions but you can call us at (562) 595-7900.
Submitting a Press Release
We want to know what’s going on in your neighborhood or business! The best way to submit a press release is to send an email to
Be sure to include all pertinent information — who, what, when, why, how — as well as your contact information so we can call you. Press releases may be sent as a Google Doc, PDF file or Word Document. If you have a photo or logo, please send that along as well. JPGs work best (preferably 300 dpi or greater).
The Signal Tribune receives hundreds of press releases each week and has full discretion over which stories it chooses to pursue for publication and when, as well as which stories will be included in the newspaper’s weekly print edition.
To maintain journalistic integrity, the Signal Tribune does not allow sources prior review of any story before publication.
If you want to guarantee that your press release is published in full, online or in print, contact to speak with our advertising manager about purchasing a sponsored post. Sponsored posts are displayed as “sponsored” with a disclosure of who paid for its publication. Sponsored posts can be reviewed by the client prior to their publication.
Letters to the Editor
Letters should be 500 words or less. We reserve the right to edit all letters for spelling, grammar or space requirements. Please be sure to include your name, address and telephone number so that we may contact you if needed; only your name and city will be published. The preferred method for letters is by email:
Circulation and Distribution of print
The Signal Tribune is published weekly on Friday serving the Long Beach neighborhoods of Bixby Knolls, California Heights, Los Cerritos, Wrigley Heights, Wrigley and the City of Signal Hill.
Our staff is here to serve you!
We welcome calls and will answer any questions you have about advertising in the Signal Tribune. We are proud of our product and look forward to working with you.
Display Advertising
Deadline: Thursday a week prior to publication.
Artwork: We will design your ad for a small fee depending on the size. “Camera-ready” ads (PDF preferred) may also be submitted.
For more information about Display Advertising, including rates, please contact one our advertising consultants by calling (562) 595-7900, or send an email to
Legal Notices and Fictitious Business Name Statements (DBAs)
Legal Notices: Trustee, Probate, Lien Sales, etc are charged $21 per column-inch.
Fictitious Business/DBA Filings: The cost to publish is $70 for 4 weeks.
Name changes: The cost to publish is $100 for 4 weeks.
For more information, call us at (562) 595-7900 or send an email to
Classified Ads
Classified ads begin at $18 for five lines of text. Each additional line is $1. Download a classified ad form here.
Pre-Printed Inserts
$45 for 1,000; minimum of 5,000
Focus on Business
Download a Focus on Business form here.